
Sunday, May 29, 2011


"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. "
I love that quote by CoCo Chanel. Fashion is all around us. I feel like Gwen Stefani is a good example of this: Even if she wears a plain outfit, her makeup makes a statement on its own. To me, that is fashion.

Gwen inspires me (in so many ways) but lately she's inspired me to dress up my lips with hot pink and red shades...she is able to pull off the bright pink lip and the classic red lip SO WELL. I used to always skip my lips- just didnt seem important to me, but lately I can't get enough bright colors for my lips. It makes such a difference! I urge you to step outside of your normal beauty routine and try something different...I know there is nothing new about a bold lipcolor, but there are many women who do not dress up their lips.

MAC has a great hot pink lipstick

And for my red color, I found something by Revlon that I love - the colorburst line



...and I had to include this picture because once again, she is gorgeous! Here she is with a natural lip, which we very rarely see her do. I prefer her with her signature red lips but she proves she can pull off the natural look as well.


Anyways, I want to know, who has inspired you lately? Music, fashion, makeup...who?